Sunday, November 25, 2012


I am very pleased to now be a part of a popular college radio show. The show is called Late Nite with Ed Moore III Show and is aired every Friday night at 11 pm. However, I didn't always know about the show even as a communication student within the same building the show was aired.

I remember a moment in time I was finished with one of my classes and I was walking to the door when I passed a man in the hallway that looked a bit different than the rest of us. He was dressed in a suit from head to toe and carried himself in a very dignified manner. It was only a quick glance at each other and a hey and we were both back to our headed destinations.

As I progressed in my school endeavors as being a part of everything JSU had to offer and becoming a full blown "college student" I became a member of the Public Relations Organization. This Organization did many great things but one thing they always did was prepare for an annual communications awards banquet every year. Well this happened to be the semester of the banquet when I joined so I became very dedicated an did everything I was to do to prepare. One thing was to take pictures for our PRO Facebook page!

While I was taking pictures of all the guests as they came off the elevator, another radio organization set up a drawing box beside us. I didn't know what it was at first but as I watched it was a drawing for best radio show. As I stood there as the minutes passed all I could hear is "Vote for Late Nite with Ed Moore III Show" its truly an awesome show with an equally awesome host. So now I am trying to figure out who this man is.

The awards banquet started and as the awards were being passed out I finally heard the name Ed Moore III being called for winning be radio show! That same night I won my award for PRO! Pictures were taken of all winners and Ed Moore and I were soon standing together. After pictures were taken we began an conversation and talked about both of our awards and the goals we had/have in life. Ed Moore eventually approached me and asked if I would like to be a part of the Ed Moore family. He invited me to his upcoming radio show (which I was a nervous wreck) and soon became his publicist for the Ed Moore Show!

Meeting Ed is one of my highest moments at JSU. He is the most humble, compassionate man/host I know and cares deeply for all his guests and audience. He stays focused on his show at all times. Through the many weeks becoming friends as well I will truly miss him and his show. He is now my best friend and he will definitely make a name for himself wherever he goes. This story always saddens me because its still hard to believe the show is at its end.

I also remember Ed coming to me one day and remembers the same encounter as we had passed in the hallway after class that day. That just goes to show he knew me before I realized I knew him. I will truly miss the working with Ed and the staff and the show.