Sunday, December 23, 2012

Better Than Me....

by Pamela Horton
I noticed today
You didn't want to look my way
I may have looked a bit rough
Or my friends acted bit too tough
My hair was not fixed that day 
And my makeup was in disarray
But I still managed to give you a hug
Even when you gave me shrugs
Just know that as a mother of two
I manage to work three jobs an go to school
If Im not much of nothing to see
Remember I have two little ones
That depend on me
So if the next time you see me 
An  I'm not decked to the nine 
Just know I am handling mine

Sunday, November 25, 2012


I am very pleased to now be a part of a popular college radio show. The show is called Late Nite with Ed Moore III Show and is aired every Friday night at 11 pm. However, I didn't always know about the show even as a communication student within the same building the show was aired.

I remember a moment in time I was finished with one of my classes and I was walking to the door when I passed a man in the hallway that looked a bit different than the rest of us. He was dressed in a suit from head to toe and carried himself in a very dignified manner. It was only a quick glance at each other and a hey and we were both back to our headed destinations.

As I progressed in my school endeavors as being a part of everything JSU had to offer and becoming a full blown "college student" I became a member of the Public Relations Organization. This Organization did many great things but one thing they always did was prepare for an annual communications awards banquet every year. Well this happened to be the semester of the banquet when I joined so I became very dedicated an did everything I was to do to prepare. One thing was to take pictures for our PRO Facebook page!

While I was taking pictures of all the guests as they came off the elevator, another radio organization set up a drawing box beside us. I didn't know what it was at first but as I watched it was a drawing for best radio show. As I stood there as the minutes passed all I could hear is "Vote for Late Nite with Ed Moore III Show" its truly an awesome show with an equally awesome host. So now I am trying to figure out who this man is.

The awards banquet started and as the awards were being passed out I finally heard the name Ed Moore III being called for winning be radio show! That same night I won my award for PRO! Pictures were taken of all winners and Ed Moore and I were soon standing together. After pictures were taken we began an conversation and talked about both of our awards and the goals we had/have in life. Ed Moore eventually approached me and asked if I would like to be a part of the Ed Moore family. He invited me to his upcoming radio show (which I was a nervous wreck) and soon became his publicist for the Ed Moore Show!

Meeting Ed is one of my highest moments at JSU. He is the most humble, compassionate man/host I know and cares deeply for all his guests and audience. He stays focused on his show at all times. Through the many weeks becoming friends as well I will truly miss him and his show. He is now my best friend and he will definitely make a name for himself wherever he goes. This story always saddens me because its still hard to believe the show is at its end.

I also remember Ed coming to me one day and remembers the same encounter as we had passed in the hallway after class that day. That just goes to show he knew me before I realized I knew him. I will truly miss the working with Ed and the staff and the show.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Media Bias

by Pamela Horton
Is there a difference between conservative views and liberal views. Of course, there is. Since the government funds most of the large corporate news stations, does this cause a bias opinion on behalf of the journalists. According to the media research organization ( this is true. Research has shown that ABC, CBS, and NBC have shown bias during this years presidential election run-offs. Mitt Romney and current President Barrack Obama were given two different amount of time putting more negative attention toward Romney. Two tapes were found uncovering each belief of the nominees, however, Romney's tapes were given more time to air.

The media research organization said, "In contrast, when tape emerged of Barack Obama stating he was in favor of “redistribution” of wealth, reporters barely broached the story, spending only six minutes, 28 seconds over eight stories. In all the Big Three networks this week devoted about 88 minutes to the Romney tape compared to just six and a half minutes on the Obama clip -- a 13 to 1 ratio" (

As Journalists bias should not be apart of uncovering corruption of anybody. There is a code of ethics ( is given to follow but not unlawful if not followed. One particular code is to have accurate information. Then further goes on to say tell the story with diversity no matter how unpopular it is. Personal views are put aside and common sense and knowledge take part when writing a story. Every story may not be something we, as journalists, believe in but should that make "us" change our story to fit what we believe. Absolutely NOT! My whole point is if the government was conservative would the views have shifted toward liberal corruption? 

Least Favorite/Favorite Websites

by Pamela Horton
 • The Gadsden Times Online: The main problem with the Gadsden times online it does not follow a lot of the newspaper template normally used in the paper form. When wanting to access local jobs in the area it will take you to another website called Monster that requires registration (which is time consuming) rather than just seeing what is available right away.

 • The Anniston Star Online: I enjoy the Anniston Star because anyone can posts events, stories, etc. a once overviewed by the star will be posted for all to see. Makes it easier than going into the office and having to fill out paperwork and speak to someone.

 • The USA Today Online: I like the USA Today online paper because the latest topics are listed front and center. Its easy to navigate or locate a story because it has an additional news topic buttons that will take you there easily. More pictures are on the front page as well that can make it easier to find the story your looking for. The websites is labeled according to pics, top news, popular news, area news, etc.

 • Jacksonville State University Website: I like the template used. Easily to find anything you’re looking for from phone numbers and emails to financial aid…..All events upcoming and news is on the front page. The box on the upper left hand corner allows incoming transfers or freshman easily make use of the website by giving additional buttons to push for information regarding expenses, academics needed, and campus life.

 • Video Chat OOVOO Website: This website can be irritating to a newcomer. It is not easy to navigate at all. It gives you four tabs to choose from to explain the tools that can be used. If you want to learn how to use it, well good luck, because with the 10 or more buttons for an explanation on how to use it can take someone a lifetime. I like video chat but is not easily understood on this website at all.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


by Pamela Horton
Al Jazeera is a satellite channel news medium most commonly known by Americans for airing tapes by Osama bin Laden. The series of tapes were of Laden sending messages via Al Jazeera satellite channel refusing to have any involvement with the September 2011 attacks on the twin towers in New York City, then in later messages admits to his plans for destruction. These messages started between the years of 2001 to 2011.
Al Jazeera is the closest medium in the Middle East that resembles the Western culture of journalism. Other media fall victim to government authority broadcasting and owned. Al Jazeera was funded by the Qatar government for five years, and then was to pay the money back to Qatar to remain an independent media not run by Arab governments.
Prince Khalifa (who overthrew his father as ruler) became ruler of Qatar. His entire family, Al Thani, is known for arguing and stealing the throne. It is no shock that Prince Khalifa took over while his father was on vacation. Unlike his father, Prince Khalifa, was a democratic leader. He wanted to change the entire way Arab lived. In doing so, he gave $150 million to start Al Jazeera. This would be an Arab medium, for the Arabs, and by the Arabs with a Western twist.
The idea of the Western culture for Al Jazeera was to remain objective and unbiased. It included talk shows about private Arab culture and brought it to the light. Women’s rights were addressed, having freedom of speech and the press, and uncovered corruptiveness within the Middle Eastern countries.
Colin Powell, former Secretary of State for the United States, becomes angry with Al Jazeera. Al Jazeera said, “Attempts by the U.S. government to exert control over media have been broad. In early October, Secretary of State Colin Powell voiced his concerns about the Al Jazeera television station during a meeting with Sheik Hamad bin Khalifa Thani, the emir of Qatar. Powell reportedly told Thani to "rein in" Al Jazeera, which operates out of Qatar and relies on the government for significant funding (Washington Post, 10/9/01). Though the channel is considered by many to be the most independent TV news outlet in the Arab world, Powell and other U.S. officials were reportedly upset by the channel re-airing old interviews with bin Laden and the inclusion of guests that are too critical of the United States on its programs. (In attempting to muzzle Al Jazeera, Powell was mirroring the complaints of Arab nationalists who contend that the channel too often airs the views of Israelis and Western officials.)
When the “Secretary of State Colin Powell complained to Sheikh Hamad about Al-Jazeera’s "inflammatory" reporting. The following month U.S. bombs completely destroyed the agency's Kabul offices. The Israeli media have condemned Al-Jazeera for inciting Palestinian violence, while some Palestinians are enraged that Al-Jazeera interviewed representatives of the Likud government. Even the Arab League at one point called for a boycott of "the TV station that invites Israelis" to be interviewed”. (Kelly)
Later Colin Powell would admit to falsely accusing the Saudi government of harnessing nuclear weapons. Then resign his position of Secretary of State. This incident would leave Al Jazeera to report on the United States wanting to control the Middle Eastern media coverage.
Along with the bin Laden tapes airing, Al Jazeera released footage of civilians being killed and maimed in Afghanistan by the Taliban. Then, National Security Advisor, Condoleezza Rice, told American news networks ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and Fox news to remove any foul language from the taped before being aired. The networks agreed.
Detailed case description and media coverage
The struggle to keep an audience for Western and non-Western media remains a conflicting issue between the two media mainly because the two media have totally different beliefs/cultures. Western media know that censorship is a must to keep their audiences’ attention and non-Western belief is a non-fiction route to the news with no censorship. The issue is there is not a global set of principles that all journalists favor or practice by causing censored and non-censored forms of media to cloud the audiences with different points of view.
Increasing modern technology, it is becoming easier for cultures to collide and their particular audiences reached. The United States have come up with preventive measures to protect its audience from non-Western media. One measure involves the transmission through blue tooth.
Iranian dissidents have used to transmit data outside authorities’ control. Developers are looking to create a system that allows users to mark data so that when other trusted individuals come into range their mobile devices automatically get the transfer. (Terzieff)
Al Jazeera wants to remain free of censorship. They said in order to report accurate, objective, and truthful news they need to speak up. The way they did this was showing scenes of suffering Afghan civilians experienced when the United States military invaded their country. The U.S. said this was in retaliation of the terrorists issues. Al Jazeera did not stop there. They continued to provide footage of Western held hostage by Iraq until the Al Jazeera left.
Despite graphic images or due to these images Al Jazeera becomes the most sought channel for news during the war. People all over the world tuned in for footage of the war.

PRO provides a professional profile

By Pamela Horton
Do you have life insurance? Most of us do not or wait until the last minute to get it. But did you know that “life insurance” to a PR professional is called credibility. Yep, that’s right. Being credible can make you or break you in this business. So get to the “professional” status by getting involved early on with the public relations organization. It will give people time to recognize YOU individually and shape your credibility.
The Public Relations Organization was started in 2002 by Dr. Augustine Ihator. He is a current professor of public relations at Jacksonville State University and a prestigious member of the national PRSA. The organization is run completely by students wanting to develop professional career opportunities. Students gain hands-on experience interacting with student and local media outlets. PRO is one of the most active student organizations on campus!
Since October 1, 2002 PRO has done many exciting things! Every semester PRO will travel to a company to meet the PR staff and learn the strategies they use and receive network opportunities. That particular company will also give a tour of their facility and how it works. It’s enjoyable, fun, and engages PRO in all aspects of the business! Networks made so far include: Honda, Aztec communication, Mizell hospital, RMC, and Delta connection, just to name a few!
In the spring PRO assist during Communication week. They prepare the fliers, posters, and refreshments for the key note speakers. The last day is the Award Luncheon; programs are passed out, along with tickets to win prizes!
An annual Alumni Brunch/Luncheon is held during homecoming week during the fall semester. PRO will put together theme ideas for the float to compete in the parade that week. Last year PRO won $300!
Peer mentoring is an added bonus to this organization. All majors around campus come together as a team with the same goal in mind. PRO members support each other, making for long lasting relationships that are never forgotten.
PRO builds a reputation of leadership and experience, knowledge and trust. You will have gained credibility for your profession!