Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sexual assault is a growing problem in the United States By: Kevin Brant

Sexual assault is a growing problem in the United States. This is especially true among college campuses. According to the Rape Abuse Incest National Network (RAINN) website, a person is sexually assaulted every two minutes. Forth-four percent of victims are under the age of 18 and 80 percent of victims are under the age of 30. Out of all the sexual assaults that occur 2/3 of them are usually committed by someone the victim knows.

To raise awareness, Jacksonville State University Counseling Services along with Peer Educators, The W.I.S.E. Group and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority of JSU held an event called “Take Back the Night.” This event was held on April 12 on the quad of JSU. More than 150 people came to listen to monologues, music and personal stories about the effects of sexual assault.

Jonathan Coates from Birmingham was one who delivered a monologue called “Gotta Be a Man.”

“I think a lot of people are unaware about how big of an issue sexual assault really is,” Coates said. “I want to use myself as an instrument to spread the news to the masses.”

The music group J-LLYFE was among the entertainment at the event. The group sang songs talking about empowerment. Other monologues included a performance called “My Short Skirt” by Katharine Berquist from Carrollton, Ga., and Jade Wagner from Decatur who performed one called “Covers.”

As the evening continued some startling statistics were shared. One in six women, one in 33 men, one in six people under the age of 18 are victims of sexual assault. As soon as these statistics were shared to motivate the crowd, a chant was led by various people which said “Women unite, take back the night.”

The L.E.A.D. group then performed a drama skit called: “There’s a Fine Line Between Love and Rape.” This skit was then followed by trivia questions called miss or fact. Info was given regarding sexual assault and the crowd was asked whether it was miss or fact.

Courtney Davis sang a song called “My Life is in Your Hands.” This was followed a musical performance by Abby Park.

Sexual harassment information comes from different levels including law enforcement. Investigator Sgt. Carl Preunninger from the Jacksonville State University Police Department shared some tips on sexual assault and prevention.

To close the night out, a candle light vigil was done in honor of those who have been sexually assaulted.

There are ways to lower one’s risk to being a victim of sexual assault -- surroundings. This is especially true at night when most of this activity takes place. Make sure you walk with confidence. If you are confident you are less likely to be attacked in this way. If you are under the influence of alcohol, make sure to know your limits. Trust your instincts. If your gut is telling you that something is wrong, most of the time it is right.

Julie Nix, director of counseling and disability support services at JSU, was the main organizer for the event.

For more information about sexual assault you can visit online at www.rainn.org, www.takebackthenight.com or you can call JSU Counseling services at (256) 782-5475.

Read more:Jacksonville News - Sexual assault is a growing problem in the United States

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